Sunday, September 1, 2019

Labor Day Weekend (Day 2)

Saturday of Labor Day Weekend was a quiet one. 

With L just starting his antibiotic for pneumonia the day before, I didn't want to take him shopping, to the pool, or even Mass.  Older brother took one for the team and stayed home with L since M was scheduled to serve.

After Mass, Father Michael asked my girl if she was able to stay and serve at a Baptism.  

Since I didn't want to look like a creepy stalker lady, I snuck off to the side away from the parents/godparents and extended family in attendance, to snap a few photos of M serving alongside Father.  Not the best shots, but good enough for the memory file.

In the bottom photo, M is handing Father the chrism oil.  I don't think there is anything better than the smell of chrism oil on a newly baptized baby.  I remember not wanting to bathe my little ones for days after their Baptisms just to preserve that wonderful, heavenly smell!

I can't express enough how grateful and happy it makes me that M still participates in serving at Mass.  As a public school high schooler, she no longer has the benefit of attending a weekday Mass as part of her daily Catholic school attendance.  I appreciate that she is willing to continue to offer service to the Church by remaining on the Altar Server list.

Tomorrow, I hope to take the kids on a "Kickoff to Fall" field trip.  Fingers crossed that L will be feeling up to it.

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